Deposit withdraw token

Connecting Metamask to Mirai Chain Bridge

As the epicenter of global Web3 gaming experiences, connecting your wallet to our bridge is the first step in starting with Mirai Chain! To start conveniently moving assets to or from our network, here's a tutorial on connecting your Metamask Wallet.

Follow this straightforward step-by-step guide:

  • Navigate to the Mirai Chain Bridge website

    Mirai App Registration

  • Select [Connect Wallet], which is located on either the middle or upper right corner of your screen.

    Mirai App Registration

  • You will see a variety of wallet options. When these choices pop up, opt for Metamask.

    Mirai App Registration

  • Select the specific Metamask wallet you wish to link with the Mirai Chain Bridge.

    Mirai App Registration

  • Almost there! In order to link your wallet, select [Connect] from the Metamask pop-up.

    Mirai App Registration

  • Well done! After a brief loading period, your Metamask should be ready for action in Mirai!

    Mirai App Registration

Congratulations on connecting your Metamask to the Mirai Chain Bridge, we’re confident you’ll come to enjoy the best Web3 gaming with us!

How to Deposit Crypto to Mirai Chain

Start your Mirai Chain experience by easily depositing your cryptocurrency. This straightforward guide is designed to lead you through the process.

Here's our step-by-step guide:

  • Navigate to the "Deposit" section on the Mirai Chain Bridge.

    Mirai App Registration

  • Select a token, your desired network, and specify the exact amount for your deposit

    Mirai App Registration

  • Review the transaction details and continue with [Confirm].

    Mirai App Registration

  • If it's your first time, [Approve] the allowance to proceed with the transaction.

    Mirai App Registration

  • Set your spending cap with Metamask, click [Next], and then [Approve].

    Mirai App Registration

  • Continue with the process using the [Deposit] button.

    Mirai App Registration

  • [Confirm] the transaction using Metamask.

    Mirai App Registration

  • Congratulations! Your Deposit has started and your funds are on its way.

    Mirai App Registration

Your crypto is now securely stored within the Mirai Chain! Explore and experience Mirai to its fullest. We can’t wait for you to see the best of our products and more.

How to Withdraw Crypto from Mirai Chain

Were you looking to move some assets to another network? We got you! Withdraw your crypto in no time by following this article.

Here's the step-by-step process:

  • Navigate to the "Withdraw" section of the Mirai Chain Bridge.

    Mirai App Registration

  • Specify the token, amount you would like to withdraw, and the target network.

    Mirai App Registration

  • Review the transaction details and click [Confirm].

    Mirai App Registration

  • If it's your first time, [Approve] the allowance to proceed with the transaction.

    Mirai App Registration

  • Set your spending cap, click [Next], and then [Approve].

    Mirai App Registration

  • Continue the process by clicking the [Withdraw] button.

    Mirai App Registration

  • [Confirm] the transaction with your Metamask Wallet.

    Mirai App Registration

  • Congratulations! Your Withdrawal has started and your funds are on its way.

    Mirai App Registration

That’s it! You've started your crypto withdrawal from Mirai Chain. Allow a moment for the funds to process. In the meantime, check out our step-by-step instructions on how to best use our network!

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